Hope's Stories

My name is Hope and these are the stories of my daily comings and goings.

20 septiembre 2005

The Collar Attacked Me

There I was, with this pink, ringy-dingy collar around my neck. Next thing I knew, it lept up into my mouth and tried to rip my jaw off. I ran through the room, tumbling across the carpet. Feeling the oxygen levels going low in my blood, I struggled to maintain conciousness. Finally, Mom and Dad looked across at me and said "Oh." Not even "Oh!" Just "Oh."

13 septiembre 2005

Home Repair II

Well, Dad still hasn't done anything about repairing the doorstop, so I stuck it in is shoe. That ended up in a lot of screaming when he stuck it into his toe. Oops!

12 septiembre 2005

Home Repair

I noticed that the doorstop to the back door had fallen off. I tried to put it back on, but discovered that I don't have an opposable thumb. Trying to be helpful, I put it on Dad's pillow. He didn't notice in time and whacked his head on it when he lay down. Shoot!

09 septiembre 2005

new name

So, you will notice from my first post that I said my name was Hope Jimbo Howe. This past week, I think that I was given a new name, dammitcat. That is what dad usually says when I hop up on his lap and give him a big claw filled hug or when I put the toilet paper roll in the toilet for him.

01 septiembre 2005

super claws

Last night Mom cut my nails. That just gave me sharper edges. Ha! Blood flowing down from Dad's knee. Delight! While he was complaining about that, I chew the lace off of his shoe. Tee! Hee! Hee!