Hope's Stories

My name is Hope and these are the stories of my daily comings and goings.

14 junio 2005

Heat Wave

These hot days have been wiping me out!! Mom stuck ice cubes among my toys, though. Those were super fun to play with. I miss her hair now. She used to have great hair for nesting in. It still hangs down enough to play with and I appreciate that she left some for me. These days have been spent just bouncing off of furniture and then stretching out like a long snake across book shelves and end tables. I want winter back (though I don't really remember it since I wasn't born yet).

06 junio 2005


Mom stuck me in the sink today. Said my paws were dirty after playing in the flower pot. Then she sprayed my face. Said I wasn't supposed to be on the table. Thank goodness for rules to break. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive this hot weather. P.S. Soy milk is gross!!!